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Excel Scholarship Entrance Test(SET) 2025 - Registration Link
Welcome to EPS
With a sprawling 20-acre campus well distanced from the hustle and bustle of the city, and overlooking a mango grove and a large evergreen meadow, the EPS Campus comprises the best of both the worlds – a state-of-the-art infrastructural set up for our children to experience the extraordinary as well as a conserved farm to have a connection with nature.
Explore the Difference
Parents Testimonial
Recent News & Events

Our EPS Kindergarten Children Celebrated the Young Farmers-Club activity in our school. Little children are very curious about life and growth of living things. An activity was done with the aim to demonstrate how plants develop from seeds. The process of germination of seeds was explained along with practical experiments.
November 25, 2024

This Investiture Ceremony marked the induction of our new student council leaders who will carry the torch of responsibility in the discharge of various positions of our student council. Every student who obtains a leadership role feels proud.
November 25, 2024

Our first theme of the year was celebrated in Our EPS! Our children had an incredible time celebrating the 'All About Me' theme day. They represented the Parts of the Body - internal & external, Good Habits, Safety, Types of Family, and Stages of Life. Each child played a wonderful
November 25, 2024
Our Vision and Mission
To Nurture the holistic growth of every child, by facilitating an environment highly conducive for promoting and fostering curiosity and self-discovery as the first step to a lifetime of learning.
To provide a conductive ambience for exploring and bringing out the innate talents in each student.
To develop a sustainable environment for innovative learning.
To train young minds with values, culture, integrity, innovation and leadership.
At Excel, you’ll discover bold ideas about
what Institutions can be.